Friday, January 12, 2007

Tiempo de Aguinaldos...

Pues ya se acabo esta navidad. Y con la llegada del año nuevo, mas trabajo, mas salud y mucha suerte. Pero de donde viene esa tradicion. Los aguinaldos son tradicionalmente y generalmente hablando, de nuestra cultura latinoamericana. Y asi lo trajimos a este nuevo territorio. Pero que hay de los Aguinaldos de Puerto Rico? (Pues, aqui les va, para aquellos que nos preguntaron mucho estas navidades) The 'aguinaldo' or Christmas offering is based on an old form of Spanish Christmas carol. Aguinaldos are traditional Christmas tunes, many of which are also known in other parts of Latin America. In Puerto Rico, the Christmas season would be the time for what is called PARRANDAS in which a group consisting of family, friends or neighbors would sing and play these Christmas carols, going from house to house in the area, and invited in for food and drink whever they sang. Gradually, these aguinaldos came to be used as vehicles for the improvisation of décimas.
Now about decimas??? para eso estamos luego.

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